are. awful.
they are untrustworthy. weak. things.
i have seen. them harm others. for fun.
i have seen. them hurt innocents. childrenchildrenchildrenchildren.
there was. a drunkard i met once. who beat his daughter. with a stick.
i could watch no longer i wept for that child.
i came for her. to take her from. her despair.
he wept. when he saw me. holding his daughter.
he had no idea. what to think. i saw him. cross himself.
i came. ever closer. closer. closer closer closerclosercloserclosercloserclosercloser.
he ran. but i. was faster.
i caught him. my branches. tore his flesh. he screamedcriedpleadedwhimperedbegged me to stop.
hahahahahahahahano. OuO
only i. will weep for him now. his daughter. serves me.
the children. if they listen. will be safe. with me.