tail. between. his legs. OuO
the dogskull is not deaddeaddeaddeaddead. only weakened. tore his flesh. branchessosharpyesveryverysharpsharpsharp. piercerendtearcutdestroymaimgore.
i am injured. i bleed. i weep.
he came. after the battle. the breathing tree.
told me. i am weak. i am foolish.
his branches. extended for me. i felt rage. in his eyeless gaze.
he sent. his servantsproxiesslaves. to kill me.
i am very weak now i must rest. but 8eight of his servants. are dead.
he understands. the gravity now. my branches are broken my bark rent i must heal.
i will not. leave ash alone. again. foolishwillowfoolishveryveryfoolish. ofyou.
weep for poor. decisions.
i saved him. why does he still? run from me?