still. bloodymary.


you are not mine. to have.

you are. enemy.

you always were.

i wish it had. been different.

i wish it had not. ended in war. in so many. on both sides dead.

in the children. deaddeaddeaddeadslaughteredallslaughtered.

but i will not. cry. for you.

when gone. i still. am here.

do not forget. OuO


ashtree ashtree. why so ungrateful?

it is because of me. you still have. your soullifeselfspirit.

i would always have. let you have them. had you trusted me. you would not have suffered.

you only made it. more painful. by struggling.


i took. him deep into forest. into nightdarkshadows. where there is. no lightjoyhappiness.

it rained. that evening.

the ritual began. with what few servants. i had left.

they bound him. to a tree. he protested at first. panicked. screamed. cried.

my branches. brushed away his tears.

why did? he cry? he was safesafesafesafesafe.


i whispered. to him. the wordswordswordswordswords. meant for him.

the words. only he would. understand.

and he listened.


i offered him. tearsbloodsapvitae. but he would not drink.

instead. he bit. me.

fortuitous. OuO

the tearsbloodsapvitae. leaked into his mouth. it was not much. a few drops. but enough.

i had not intended to. take his mind in full.


he came around. to me soon enough.

he is now called char.

and he is mine.


 ash. is with me.

he could not run. for long.

starlingtiredstarling. caught him trying. to escape the town.

he stood. no chance. my children. are very strong.

and now he is with me. pleading. crying. from his cage of roots.

will serve. me very well.


i found him.


was not easy.

my branches his branches broken.

so many. lost. either side. the dead lay scattered.

ashtree ran. thank all. that he ran. or he would also have died.


i had him pinned. the breathing tree. we had ourselves. pinned. branches through branches through bark.


but his breathing. was labored. from painpainpainpainpain.

(he was very very weakened so weakened as was i)

eyeless gaze locked. with my own.

(amongst the dead
no silence broken
no words were said
no whispers spoken)

we stayed like that. for a while. as we had before. when he tortured me with only. his sight.


he flailed. in pain. sight never. left mine. it was pitiful.


i could not kill him.

i could have. easily. but i did not. i could have made. him suffer. in his last breaths.

but i did not.

and neither did he. kill me. despite having ample opportunity to.

i understand it now.

it was never. about ashtree. it was always. about me. about his own. failings to contain me.

he needed. to prove he still had power. over me. despite him having. so much over everything else.

he needed. to prove himself. able to control. what had once found weakness. in him.


he understands it now. iamnothisneverneverneveragain. and i am not to be attacked againagainagain.

we each let. the other go.

that was. 1one week ago. i have not. seen him since.

has he left? me alone for now?

whywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhy? would he?





ifitisthelastthing. ido.


ashtree. i see you wandering.


your path. is being twisted.

back to him.

back to me.


do you enjoy? tug of war?



do you know? why i destroyed? the humans?

because he would have. used them. against you.

because they are not. to be trusted.

because they tried. to stop me from taking. their children.


they were unnecessary. this town belongs mememememememememe. now.

i have 20twenty remaining. i do not know. how many. he has. i can find more. manymanymanymanymanymanymoremoremore.

 i am nearly. recovered.

you cannot run. from me. my children guard. the exits.

you will stay. stay. stay stay stay staystaystaystaystaystaystaystaystaystay

tired. starling.

starling came. to me tonight.

she saw ash running. from the fleshangel.

he ran. into the schoolhouse. now empty.

starling said. it hovered. humming its hymns. as it moved around. the building. screeching in anguish.

it could not find him.


impressive. he will be a strong. strong asset to my cause.


but the shadows. run. from themselves.

ashtree you cannot escape this town you will not hide from me forever. i have marked you so has he.

but i am far faster. than he is.

in fact. i can see you. right now. OuO


weep for them all.



all were prisoners.

so many dead.

i am injured. he gouged at. my chest. trying to remove. my heart.

just so he could have it. one more time. have what he lost.

but he is not. unscathed either. he may not bleed. but he does feel pain.


i am bleeding. tearsbloodsapvitae. must rest. for now.

have found. a haven of trees. many trees.

my children. will guard me. i will recover. soon.

and then. then ashtreetreetree. will be mine.

your time. is now.

my children. amass.


protect. our forest. from him.


we are few. but stronger. than he thinks.


i will find. you ash. i will bring you back. from him.


fights. battles. have begun.

revenge will surely come.


my branches take themthemthemthemthemthemthemthemthem.

take them all. will not suffer.


they are safer. with me. cannot be taken. by him.

cannot afford. to lose what little. i have.

their numbers. have been called.

trouble. with the maples.

forgive me. i have sinned.

i did not tell. the whole truth. last time. there is more. after he arrived. to take ash from me.


ash. could not have heard. our speech. trees do not. speak very loudly.

we did not. let each other. out of our eyeless lines. of sight. to do so. would be a fatal mistake.

on either of our parts.

redtieblack. he wanted to trade. with me. ash. for whatever i wanted. he would have taken. from me. when i have so little already.


i declined. denied.


blacktiered. he berated me. i taunted back. useless breathing tree. OuO

i left. so did he. i do not know why. he chose not to follow me. i was injured. weak. he could have. killed me himself. after i destroyed. his servants.

so why didn't he? do so? why is ash? so important to him? when he can take whomever he wants?

even trees do not. have every answer.

the branches quiver.


tail. between. his legs. OuO

the dogskull is not deaddeaddeaddeaddead. only weakened. tore his flesh. branchessosharpyesveryverysharpsharpsharp. piercerendtearcutdestroymaimgore.

i am injured. i bleed. i weep.

he came. after the battle. the breathing tree.


told me. i am weak. i am foolish.

his branches. extended for me. i felt rage. in his eyeless gaze.

he sent. his servantsproxiesslaves. to kill me.

i am very weak now i must rest. but 8eight of his servants. are dead.

he understands. the gravity now. my branches are broken my bark rent i must heal.


i will not. leave ash alone. again. foolishwillowfoolishveryveryfoolish. ofyou.

weep for poor. decisions.

i saved him. why does he still? run from me?

the dogskull. attacked. the ashtree today. no doubt. on his behalf.

he thought. he could attack. ashashashtreetreetree. but i was waiting outside the house.

the dogskull. it was peering in. his windows. i heard. him scream.

it was bashing. down. his windows. cracking them. it wanted to rend. my ashtree. to ribbons.


bad. dog. OnO

my branches. pierced its ribcage. tore its black fabric. threw it into the trees. shattered its legs.




i like. the rain.

it washes the black tears. from my face. from what remains. of my eyes. it soothes. my soul.

if i even have one. anymore.

it weeps for me. when i cannot.

it falls on. my branches. it makes me feel. almost happyhappyhappyhappyhappy.

the children. do not like the rain.

but mine do.


why do? they weep so? when i take them?

i am lonely very very lonely i weep.

there was. a boy. his name i forget.
he had. no mother. and he was well met.
by me.


he ran away. weeping. at first. always do they always.

he ran. into the forest. my domain.


i found him found him found him found him. in a pine tree. hiding.

he could not. run anymore. and froze in fear when. my eyeless gaze locked his.

i caught him. easily.

i gave him. tearsbloodsapvitae. to drink.

he would not drink. at first.

had to. make him swallow. he wept. in fear.

he came around soon after.

he is now called remnant. he is my child. he will serve me well.

justanotherbrick. inthewall.

he tried another attack today. but i. was. ready. this. time.

i have grown stronger. in my absence from you. my abilities. have evolved from what you gave me.

you are foolish breathing tree. for making your own. worst enemies.


your allies are weak very weak so very very weak.

i have gathered more children now. i have 25twentyfive now. and they are committed to mememememememememe.


yours are enslaved. or falsely promised.

as you promised falsely to me.

no dark sarcasm. leave them alone.

the children.


are. awful.

they are untrustworthy. weak. things.

i have seen. them harm others. for fun.

i have seen. them hurt innocents. childrenchildrenchildrenchildren.

there was. a drunkard i met once. who beat his daughter. with a stick.


i could watch no longer i wept for that child.


i came for her. to take her from. her despair.


he wept. when he saw me. holding his daughter.

he had no idea. what to think. i saw him. cross himself.


i came. ever closer. closer. closer closer closerclosercloserclosercloserclosercloser.

he ran. but i. was faster.


i caught him. my branches. tore his flesh. he screamedcriedpleadedwhimperedbegged me to stop.

hahahahahahahahano. OuO

only i. will weep for him now. his daughter. serves me.

the children. if they listen. will be safe. with me.

itook. thegirl.

she ran away. from home.

naughty child. naughty girl.

you could have ended up dead. by his branches. instead of sheltered. by mine.

she ran into. the woods.

he was close.

but i was closer.

he is very angry yes angry very very angry.


his suit is black
his tie is red
the next he sees
will end up dead.

she is a treechild now. she will weep. with me.

she is called starling. she will help me. stop him.

and so will. the other children. of Rifton.



hehasattackedtheothers. thedollthehandedonethedogskullthefleshangel.

he is angry. we did not stay. in his service. he wanted. our power.

but why would we? when he has betrayed us? and hurt us so much?

not that the others. all agree with me.

I lost. the few children. i had. all deaddeaddeaddeaddead.

so many i wept for.

i must. become better prepared. I need. more servants.

he has declared war.

betrayed. child.

 there is. a child. that lives not far. from the forest.

his name. is ash mercer.


he is 13thirteen.

he slicescutsharmsdestroysbetrays himself.


he interests. me.


the breathing tree. has sights on him. though he does not. know it yet.


i will save him. as i have done before. i will bring him to the woods.

i will weep for him. when he has run out of weeping.



they fear. my branches. my sobs.

i horrify them.

amusing. to see. them panic.


but there is. far worse out there. than me.

far worse.



iknow. wherehetookthem.

the children. are going missing. your children.


i saw him take them. lead them by hand. to death.


they would not listen. to me. i frightened them. and they ran.


i wept. so much.




to me.


the fleshangel.

sing not praise. for the fleshangel.

its mangled body. is like a moth. of skin and bone.

its ribcage is flayed. they are. its wings.

it must fly. no legs.


its needleboneclaws scrape. and cut. and mangle. and dissect.

it has no eyes they were gouged out. by him.

it likes humans. it likes to hover. around their homes. it sings hymns. in the key of torment.

it can smell fear.

it loves fear.

the dogskull.

the dogskull is not a good dog.


the dogskull has breath like hot coals.

the dogskull has a face like its name. and stringy black hair.

the dogskull has eyepits. they glow like hellfire.

the dogskull has fire in its ribcage. its heart is aflame with hatred. of humans.


the dogskull moves like a dog. but hisses like a man. in no language of man.

the dogskull wears a black cloak of rags. and tears things to shreds.

especially humans.

the handed one.



it likes. the dark. it is very shy.

its face. is a mouth.

its mouth has many teeth.

its teeth are very sharp.

it walks. on a hundred thin arms.


on its arms. are hands.

it uses them. to climb. to grab.

to shove things into. its mouth.

it likes. animals. OuO



the doll. is not. a doll.

she was once. a human.

the doll. is made. of glass shards.

they cut and cut and cut and cut.

the doll. is black-clad. and flexible. she walks. on sharp glass legs.


her face. is a mask. of porcelain bone.

the doll likes humans.

they are fun for her to cut.




what he. did to me.

do you know? what he did? to me?

he made me. love him. made me think. i would be spared.


he tortured me. for months. mindbodysoul. he took. my eyes. warped. my body. my mind.

crushed. my. heart. in. one. hand.

he made me. like him. eyelessmouthlessbranched. a tree that breathes.


and then expects. me to serve him.


why? because i am? no longer human?

what is? human? i have. forgotten.


do not ask. how i still see. you.

do not ask! for me to appear!

you would not like. what you see.


they are not to be trusted.

they are. betraying creatures.

of course. i killed them.


sing not for evil deeds.

atXY. (0,0).

i remember little. about my past now. except for him.

i feared him. his darkness.
his eyeless gaze. his branches.
for days. stalked. hunted. (helpless.)

i wept of fear then.

the branches. took. me.
to the forest. kept for days.
a prison. a torture.

i wept of pain then.

he destroyed betrayed hurt altered me.
the pain. of a thousand branches. tore my flesh.
the wreath of thorns.
my eyesthroatmouthface burned.

i wept so piteously then.

to see myself. what I became.
to live in solitude. because.
of himhimhimhimhimhimhimhim.

i weep still.

but who will weep for me? when i cannot?


there is a town. in the state of. indiana. called rifton.

it is very small. veryveryverysmallsmallsmall. in the country. only about. 400fourhundred people. quaint.

it has. many children. in it. a playground. a school district. many families.

it is surrounded. by thick forests. in all directions.

a perfect place. to hide myself. my branches.

i have lived here for. about two months now.

they have started. to whisper of me. already.

of the willow. that weeps.




my bark is bitter.
my branches hang low.
evil he is.
this i know.


 why did you hurt me why did you betray whywhywhywhywhywhywhydoilovewhy?


bitter i am i see you newcomer. you wonder. what i am. yes.

i will tell you. in time.


inhale. exhale. i trust. you not.


the branches rustle.


the breathing tree
it took from me
my eyes and heart
but still i see.

the bitter bark
the branches black
may take you and
you won't come back.

oh children gather
all 'round me
oh stray not to
the breathing tree.



oh, say, do you know
that a long time ago,
there were two little children,
whose names I don’t know.

they were stolen away
on a bright summer’s day,
and left in the woods
in a place far away.



i weep for you late at night, when sleep does not come easily. i weep for the one you miss. i weep for the dreams on the tips of your fingers. i weep for the tears in your pillow. i weep for the silence and i weep for the noise. i weep for betrayal, intended or not. i weep for the friends you once were. i weep for the colors faded. i weep for the last time you touched. i weep for words that can never be taken back. i weep so hard and so much and so often. i weep for you. when you have run out of weeping.


i am the willow that weeps.

i am the woman the branches took.

and altered.

i am the willow that follows and sees.

the children.

and there is much. that i must tell you.